Structured Business Initiatives Program ®

Stake holders demanding growth, increased revenue, market share and profits, force organisations to look outside their traditional space and comfort zone for business opportunities. Strategic business development initiatives could involve targeting new market segments, and expanding into new industries or territories. It can also mean expanding outside traditional functional coverage or with new services, to increase the offering a company has. Engaging in strategic business development initiatives without a structured approach you risk setting wrong priorities, lose time and money, and ultimately fail.

Partner Acquisition
With many years of experience in the field of finance and IT, we have developed an effective method for strategic business development (Structured Business Initiatives Program ®). This method takes into consideration your existing products, tools, services, customer structure, organization as well as personnel structure to create cost-effective and feasible strategies for the development of your company.

Success Stories

Partner Acquisition Three new solutions for a Medium-sized IT company within the fund industry. The solutions have become a valuable part of the company's product portfolio.

Partner Acquisition Successful establishment of a new investment management business area for a global software company, creating multi-million total contract value.

Partner Acquisition Go to market strategy and execution of plan for a new Cash & Liquidity Management solution, generating substantial additional revenue.

Partner Acquisition Market entry into country of strategic regional importance against strong incumbent competition, signing 4 large customers within 12 months.

Partner Acquisition Expanding into a new target segment with existing software solution.

Partner Acquisition Establishment and building up of a subsidiary for a Nordic Software company. Profitable growth from 0 to 17 staff in 2 years.

Partner Acquisition Due diligence and acquisition of a software company specialized solutions for the deregulated energy market.