Liquidity Management Review ®

The importance of managing liquidity is vital to a bank's capability to sustain it's operations and fulfil its payment obligations. The financial crisis has led to an increase in regulatory requirements around liquidity risk and liquidity management. Together with the emergence of real-time and instant payment alternatives, there is an increased pressure on banks to examine and revise their liquidity management and liquidity risk processes.

Our Liquidity Management Review® helps you identify opportunities for improvement in your organisation in order to optimize your use of funds, reduce cost of liquidity and your Funds Transfer Price, which in turn has a direct positive impact on your margins and competitiveness.

Our reviews analyse:
  • your current cash and liquidity management processes
  • your operational liquidity buffer
  • your Fund Transfer Price
  • your liquidity forecasting methodologies
  • your liquidity risk mitigation capabilities
  • and your regulatory compliance
The outcome of the review is documented in a report and includes:
  • Description of findings from interviews, workshops and analysis of information and data gathered
  • Identification of areas that could or should be improved including, where feasible, recommendations and suggestions
  • Depending on quality of data provided, an estimation of economical gains of improvements suggested
  • Indication of areas, where additional analysis is recommended