Trade Processing Review ®

As markets and business evolve and new regulations are imposed on the financial services industry, banks and investment managers are well advised to examine and assess their trade processing. Players on the capital markets must make sure they keep up with regulatory requirements and at the same time keep up with increased competition and squeezed margins. Thus making sure the processing of trades, from order to final settlement, is automated fast, reliable and cost efficient is important to every participant.

Our Trade Processing Review® helps you identify opportunities for improvement in your organisation in order to optimize your process flows, and reduce cost and operational risks, which in turn has a direct positive impact on your margins and competitiveness.

Our reviews analyse:
  • your current trade processing flows
  • your current systems environment for trade processing
  • your operational cost (OPEX) related to trade processing
  • your capital cost (CAPEX) related to trade processing
  • your operational risk related to trade processing
  • your regulatory compliance
The outcome of the review is documented in a report and includes:
  • Description of findings from interviews, workshops and analysis of information and data gathered
  • Identification of areas that could or should be improved including, where feasible, recommendations and suggestions
  • Depending on quality of data provided, an estimation of economical gains of improvements suggested
  • Indication of areas, where additional analysis is recommended