Business Consultancy

We are providing banks, asset managers and other financial industry players with the following consulting services:

  • Business analysis
  • Review of processes
  • Review of systems
  • Project management
  • Program management
  • Implementation of new processes
  • Implementation of new systems
  • System selection
  • System testing

Project Examples

Partner Acquisition Advice to a global asset manager for an overhaul of the post trade processing. Including complete workflow and functional specification of a new middle office solution.

Partner Acquisition As part of a change the bank initiative, advice on new reconciliation platform streamlining and standardizing workflows for control of any type of transactions and all positions, thus providing economies of scale and holistic control for the bank.

Partner Acquisition Project Management of OTC Derivatives Trading system.

Partner Acquisition Capital markets trade middle office and back office processing of a variety of products such as FX, MM, Securities and Derivatives.